2023 Cup Finals Tee Sheet

Singles-Ridge-1:30 PM - Sat, October 21

23CupFinals-Oxmoor Valley Ridge Course / LPGA
Time Hole Players
23CupFinals-Oxmoor Valley Ridge Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Akridge, Raquel (23.5) Magnificent Divas
1:37 PM 13B LPGA Bizjak, Lisa
Alley, Susan (18.6) I Need Better Friends
1:37 PM 5B LPGA Corbridge, Kristine
Bales, Jan-Marie (20.1) Dayton Miss-Hits
1:37 PM 7B LPGA Haven, Karri
Beckett, Maria (22.0) Magnificent Divas
1:30 PM 10A LPGA Dowling, Maureen
Belcher, Valorie (19.6) Texas Teez
1:30 PM 7A LPGA LeBlanc, Jackie
Birch, Rebecca (24.0) River City Positrons
1:30 PM 14 LPGA Campbell, Terri
Bizjak, Lisa (23.6) Hot in Cleveland
1:37 PM 13B LPGA Akridge, Raquel
Bohlender, Karon (19.9) Motor City Drive
1:30 PM 7A LPGA Puentes, Maria
Borup, Brittany (13.2) Fore Des Moines
1:30 PM 2 LPGA Hernandez, Donna
Bowles, Emalee (19.1) Bombing Birdies
1:37 PM 5B LPGA Musch, Patricia
Bratton, Holly (22.9) Par to Bar
1:30 PM 11 LPGA Franz, Mary Pat
Brennan, Amy (37.8) Rhode Island Royal-Tee
1:37 PM 17B LPGA Gould, Sue
Bridges, Janet (23.7) BAWC 8
1:37 PM 13B LPGA Martini, Jane
Brown, Sherri (18.4) Arch Rivals
1:30 PM 1A LPGA Canessa, Kris
Buckner, Renee (12.6) Fore Des Moines
1:37 PM 1B LPGA Miller, Cindi
Campbell, Terri (24.0) Cincy Pin Gals
1:30 PM 14 LPGA Birch, Rebecca
Canessa, Kris (13.8) Oregon Birdie Hunters
1:30 PM 1A LPGA Brown, Sherri
Caume, Karen (30.1) Durham Drivers
1:30 PM 18 LPGA Cumberworth, Linda
Chang, Lilian (31.5) Rochester Flower Power
1:30 PM 18 LPGA Roach, Laurie
Chapman, Ann (18.3) Oregon Birdie Hunters
1:30 PM 5A LPGA Wagoner, Stephanie
Chen, Chao (16.8) Sac Attack
1:30 PM 3 LPGA Rolan, Terry
Corbridge, Kristine (18.9) River City Positrons
1:37 PM 5B LPGA Alley, Susan
Cox, Susan (27.2) Durham Drivers
1:37 PM 15B LPGA Millikan, Edith
Crosby, Buff (25.2) Rocket City Ringers
1:30 PM 15A LPGA Gregory, Ellen
Cumberworth, Linda (27.3) Midwest Birdies
1:30 PM 18 LPGA Caume, Karen
Del Favero, Brandy (20.7) Cincy Pin Gals
1:30 PM 8 LPGA Dodd, Donna
Dodd, Donna (20.8) Texas Teez
1:30 PM 8 LPGA Del Favero, Brandy
Donnelly, Kerrianne (22.8) Boston MVP
1:37 PM 10B LPGA Jones, Kim
Dowling, Maureen (22.3) Arch Rivals
1:30 PM 10A LPGA Beckett, Maria
Dubose, Cynthia (19.6) The Slicing Hookers
1:30 PM 6 LPGA Wyatt, Jannie
Eschtruth, Michele (31.4) Michigan Mettle
1:30 PM 17A LPGA Penze, Rita
Finn, Sheila (16.0) The Magpies
1:37 PM 1B LPGA Pilsner, Paulette
Franz, Mary Pat (23.0) The First Coasters
1:30 PM 11 LPGA Bratton, Holly
Gabsewics, Beth (21.7) 302 Crew
1:30 PM 9 LPGA Wortham, Kay
Gage Morris, Sharon (25.6) Philly Firecrackers
1:30 PM 15A LPGA Marinelli, Renee
Garcia, Theresa (12.9) Sac Attack
1:30 PM 1A LPGA Spina, Deirdre
Gould, Sue (30.3) Michigan Mettle
1:37 PM 17B LPGA Brennan, Amy
Gregory, Ellen (25.1) Wilmington Waves
1:30 PM 15A LPGA Crosby, Buff
Haven, Karri (20.6) Magnum Force
1:37 PM 7B LPGA Bales, Jan-Marie
Herbst, Nancy (22.5) Roll 'em and Hole 'em
1:30 PM 10A LPGA Pittis, Rebecca
Hernandez, Donna (16.2) Texas Teez
1:30 PM 2 LPGA Borup, Brittany
Hill, Elizabeth (17.9) GoingFOREIt
1:30 PM 3 LPGA Terrell, Vicky
Hyams, Carrie (21.3) Par to Bar
1:30 PM 8 LPGA Suto, Nancy
Johnston, Katherine (28.1) Putt Up & Drive
1:30 PM 16 LPGA Steffy, Melissa
Jones, Kim (22.8) Soaring Eagles
1:37 PM 10B LPGA Donnelly, Kerrianne
Keefer, Beje (23.3) Wilmington Waves
1:30 PM 13A LPGA Rickey, June
Lamb, Dena (19.1) Chicago Fairway Ninjas
1:30 PM 6 LPGA Yencho, Marie
LeBlanc, Jackie (19.6) PARdon Us
1:30 PM 7A LPGA Belcher, Valorie
Maccarone, Hope (30.0) Rhode Island Royal-Tee
1:30 PM 17A LPGA Pisarek, Laura
Marinelli, Renee (25.6) Putt Up & Drive
1:30 PM 15A LPGA Gage Morris, Sharon
Martini, Jane (23.6) Cape Fearless
1:37 PM 13B LPGA Bridges, Janet
Mazzitelli, Judith (16.7) Yinz Gals
1:30 PM 2 LPGA Whitaker, Jennifer
Miller, Cindi (9.2) Pin Hunters
1:37 PM 1B LPGA Buckner, Renee
Millikan, Edith (26.9) Midwest Birdies
1:37 PM 15B LPGA Cox, Susan
Mohler, Karley (18.4) I Need Better Friends
1:30 PM 5A LPGA Phillips, Emily
Musch, Patricia (18.6) FW Metro Crazy 8's
1:37 PM 5B LPGA Bowles, Emalee
OConnor, Carol (20.0) Boston MVP
1:37 PM 7B LPGA Stewart, Elaine2
Penze, Rita (29.3) Shanks for the Memories
1:30 PM 17A LPGA Eschtruth, Michele
Peterson, Diane (24.5) Scramblers
1:30 PM 14 LPGA Schreiber, Donna
Phillips, Emily (18.5) The Magpies
1:30 PM 5A LPGA Mohler, Karley
Pilsner, Paulette (16.0) The Slicing Hookers
1:37 PM 1B LPGA Finn, Sheila
Pisarek, Laura (28.6) Cape Fearless
1:30 PM 17A LPGA Maccarone, Hope
Pittis, Rebecca (22.5) The Birdie Bunch
1:30 PM 10A LPGA Herbst, Nancy
Puentes, Maria (19.8) Chicago Windy City Winners
1:30 PM 7A LPGA Bohlender, Karon
Rataj, Katherine (23.2) Chicago Windy City Winners
1:30 PM 12 LPGA Ward, Sandy
Rickey, June (23.3) The Birdie Bunch
1:30 PM 13A LPGA Keefer, Beje
Roach, Laurie (30.0) Tee'd Off
1:30 PM 18 LPGA Chang, Lilian
Robbins, Lynn (18.2) CC Birdie Shots
1:30 PM 4 LPGA Sprich, Deborah
Rolan, Terry (17.0) Texas Teez
1:30 PM 3 LPGA Chen, Chao
Salisbury, Holly (25.9) 8 SAC Camellias
1:37 PM 15B LPGA Sanders, Teresa
Samour, Patricia (22.5) Roll 'em and Hole 'em
1:37 PM 10B LPGA Tirado, Jeanne
Sanders, Teresa (25.7) Shanks for the Memories
1:37 PM 15B LPGA Salisbury, Holly
Schmidt, Michelle (23.5) Bombing Birdies
1:30 PM 13A LPGA Sroka, Karen
Schreiber, Donna (24.2) Hot in Cleveland
1:30 PM 14 LPGA Peterson, Diane
Selcher, Trish (33.5) Tee'd Off
1:37 PM 17B LPGA Usiatynski, Sheree
Six, Kim (30.7) Philly Firecrackers
1:30 PM 16 LPGA Webb, Pamela
Smorey, Marcy (23.2) Yinz Gals
1:30 PM 12 LPGA Ward, Kristine
Spain, Carol (23.0) Soaring Eagles
1:30 PM 11 LPGA Taylor, Spring
Spina, Deirdre (6.1) Pin Hunters
1:30 PM 1A LPGA Garcia, Theresa
Spooner, Lisa (21.6) 8 SAC Camellias
1:30 PM 9 LPGA Weis, Kathleen
Sprich, Deborah (18.1) Motor City Drive
1:30 PM 4 LPGA Robbins, Lynn
Sroka, Karen (23.4) Beltway Bandits
1:30 PM 13A LPGA Schmidt, Michelle
Steffy, Melissa (27.8) 302 Crew
1:30 PM 16 LPGA Johnston, Katherine
Stewart, Elaine2 (20.0) PARdon Us
1:37 PM 7B LPGA OConnor, Carol
Suto, Nancy (20.8) CC Birdie Shots
1:30 PM 8 LPGA Hyams, Carrie
Taylor, Spring (23.0) Scramblers
1:30 PM 11 LPGA Spain, Carol
Terrell, Vicky (17.3) FW Metro Crazy 8's
1:30 PM 3 LPGA Hill, Elizabeth
Tirado, Jeanne (22.6) Beltway Bandits
1:37 PM 10B LPGA Samour, Patricia
Usiatynski, Sheree (31.2) Rochester Flower Power
1:37 PM 17B LPGA Selcher, Trish
Wagoner, Stephanie (18.3) Sunshine Swingers
1:30 PM 5A LPGA Chapman, Ann
Ward, Kristine (23.1) Chicago Fairway Ninjas
1:30 PM 12 LPGA Smorey, Marcy
Ward, Sandy (23.2) BAWC 8
1:30 PM 12 LPGA Rataj, Katherine
Webb, Pamela (27.0) Rocket City Ringers
1:30 PM 16 LPGA Six, Kim
Weis, Kathleen (21.5) The First Coasters
1:30 PM 9 LPGA Spooner, Lisa
Whitaker, Jennifer (16.8) Pin High
1:30 PM 2 LPGA Mazzitelli, Judith
Williams, Patti (18.3) Pin High
1:30 PM 4 LPGA Zamudio, Rose
Wortham, Kay (21.9) Dayton Miss-Hits
1:30 PM 9 LPGA Gabsewics, Beth
Wyatt, Jannie (19.5) GoingFOREIt
1:30 PM 6 LPGA Dubose, Cynthia
Yencho, Marie (19.1) Sunshine Swingers
1:30 PM 6 LPGA Lamb, Dena
Zamudio, Rose (18.2) Magnum Force
1:30 PM 4 LPGA Williams, Patti